by Barb Abramson | Apr 9, 2020
The Coronavirus has many people on edge these days. Some are understandably worried about contracting the Covid-19, others, less or not at all. We have been instructed to stay at home, and limit interaction.
For those of us who do crave, even need that social interaction, it can feel challenging to not be out among friends, at events or at work. Fortuntately, there are plenty of ways to safely connect with each other using technology.
You may already be using Texting, Facebook Messenger, What’s App, Instagram – and any other “texting” websites that you are familiar with as a great way to stay in touch and, check in with friends and family.
Some of these platforms also provide Video Chats. Other platforms like Zoom and some webinar programs allow for hosting business meetings that can handle from two people to large groups online together. Schools are using them for online classes and friends and families are having coffee dates, celebrating special events and connecting from around the globe
And online courses, both paid and for free are being offered on Facebook, Instagram and many websites, including live cams you can view throughout the day as well as free concerts, and links to more amazing content.
Ready to learn something new now that you have the time? There are also amazing videos with instructions for exercise, to learn to cook, paint, garden — and so much more.
Here is a short list (more are offered every day) of many I found to help you occupy your time, and explore new places. (Some especially for kids) – For more, Google your interests., There are lots of options!
20 Virtual Field Trips to Take with Your Kids
More Field Trips Here!
Astronauts Reading to Kids from Space
Ivy League University Courses
Famous Museum Tours
National Parks 360° Tours
Experience the Rides at Disney from your Couch!
And, for those that are happy hanging at home, this may be easier for you than people who thrive on social interactions and an active out-in-the-world lifestyle.
Our new reality can feel overwhelming at times. Many people I have talked to are frustrated and lonely. Canceled events, lines at the grocery store and lack of products creates stress. Dinner with friends is on hold.
The Big Question on many people’s minds is how long will this Social Isolation last? When will we be able to return to the Old Normal? While we don’t have that answer just now, there are some ways to cope with the New Normal.
Certified Hypnotherapist Rene Brent, an expert in reducing stress and anxiety recommends to her clients to have minimum exposure to the news. If you are feeling stressed, you can reach out here for online support. She is offering some free Facebook Live sessions as well.
Your mindset will be a big part in how you handle the changes in everyday life.
• Be kind to everyone – on those rarer shopping trips – and especially online. It’s really easy to lash out with our frustrations. Remember that we are all going through this together.
• Read the book you never had time for. Take a walk. Meditate. Breath deeply. Calm and Insight Timer are great Apps with thousands of programs for relaxing, sleeping and dealing with stressors.
• Practice Gratitude. It will trigger your immune system in a positive way and lighten your mood. Try writing three things you are grateful for each morning and evening.
• Focus on what sparks joy. Turn off the News, watch a funny movie, play games with the family, dance like no one is watching!
Please leave a comment on what you are doing to keep busy and what new things you are trying.
Stay Tuned! I will be taking some Fun Team Building Events and Activities Online Soon!
As always, I look forward to connecting with you.
by Barb Abramson | Nov 5, 2019
Moving to a new city is exciting. There are so many experiences to discover; from scenery, to food, to culture.
It can also be a little overwhelming leaving behind all the familiar people, places and experiences, that you know like the back of your hand.
My husband and I moved a few months ago to Nashville from Orlando, where we both grew up. The sights, smells, our friends there — were all familiar. But when our son and daughter-in-law asked us to relocate and be with them and their growing family, we made the decision to make a change.
At first, we were focused on the new home, getting unpacked, fixing it up to our taste and spending time with our family. But once the shiny outer coating of the move wore off, we realized that we missed many things about our previous life — namely our friends and our routines.
I was driving to the grocery store recently and pulled up to the stop light, noticing a bicyclist next to me. I glanced at her bike and the spokes on the wheels caught my eye. The rim of the tire is held together by the spokes, connecting them and supporting each other — each one independent, yet together they create something strong.
When the light changed, the woman began pedaling and I watched for a moment as the bike and rider traveled forward. It made me smile thinking about how it was time for me to move forward and make new connections in my new home town.
Making those connections is really important. Relationships with others are truly the spokes of our world and represent community, friendship, common ground, support and much more. There are so many options available from Networking, to Meetup Groups to Book Clubs to Sports Groups just to name a few, that meet regularly so you can really get to know your fellow participants in a meaningful way.
Now I’m really excited about expanding my circle and making new friends.
I’m also thinking about getting a bike . . . and meeting some people to ride the road with!
by Barb Abramson | Nov 8, 2017
I remember vividly the moment I knew that a major change was needed for my parents. My mom had some major medical complications and needed a level of care my father could no longer provide. I was on the phone with my cousin, wandering through the grocery store, trying to find something to cook for their dinner. This became a nightly ordeal.
His early dementia (that would eventually lead to Alzheimer’s) and her short-term memory loss from a stroke, combined with congestive heart failure, kidney issues, and diabetes meant they could no longer live at home on their own.
Stressed with their care, my job and care for my then teenage son, I was exhausted and unable to care for them as well.
My cousin, sensing my despair, urged me to consider Assisted Living Facilities (ALF’s) so that all of us would be able to live happier lives.
I searched and found the perfect solution—close to my home, affordable and with activities I was sure my parents would enjoy.
Within two weeks, I had them moved in and began renovating their home for sale, confident that life was back on track for everyone.
However, I made a huge mistake. I didn’t consult with my parents on the place I picked out and it caused some hurt feelings. The truth is, most seniors don’t choose to move to Assisted Living.
Here is what I could have done better.
1. Sit down with my parents to discuss the need to move
My parents had lived in their house for 37 years and the decision to move them was not theirs. There were other solutions I should have considered including home care.
2. Involve them in the selection of their new home
Once my parents knew they were moving, the decision had already been made on where they were moving to. I had invested the time to visit and explore all the options-looking at the places that were most convenient to me, were in our price range and had a few activities I thought my parents would enjoy. I never considered where their friends might be living and thought I was being the good daughter by taking care of the details for them. Instead, they felt shoved into a situation without any control.
3. Help them adjust
Being “relocated” was a big culture shock for my parents. Moving from a three-bedroom, two-bath home to a much smaller apartment was difficult in many ways. Besides feeling displaced, they weren’t able to take all their things with them and although I didn’t recognize it, depression set for both of them. I realize now that talking to a counselor may have made it easier for all of us.
My own exhaustion got in the way of making better decisions.
If you are going through something similar, know There are experts that can help guide you through the process and ease the stress and transition for everyone involved, including social workers, estate planning attorneys, religious organizations, and community organizations that specialize in seniors.
by Barb Abramson | Aug 5, 2017
Technology is a wonderful thing.
I am a member of the Boomer generation, and while I try to keep up with all the Millennials who probably have never experienced life without technology in their grasp, there are times I feel overwhelmed and disconnected.
That sounds like an oxy-moron.
The very thing that keeps us connected to the rest of the world through millions of apps, (2.8 million for Android and 2.2 million for Apple as of March 2017,) and websites has me feeling disconnected.
I’m not against technology. I have a Smartphone, a computer, an iPad, even a Smart TV, and I use them all every day.
Our devices have become a third leg, we don’t go anywhere without them. I’m guilty of that as well. I feel lost without my iPhone, check it first thing in the morning and keep it nearby at all times. And of course, I’m not the only one. Almost everywhere you look, people are staring at their phones. Some use it for entertainment, others reading the news, or checking out the latest shopping deals; the list goes on and on. There really is a good, bad and ugly of Smartphones.
Many people probably don’t even remember a time when people struck up conversations in line waiting to buy movie tickets. They either have their faces glued to their phone, or they have bought the tickets . . . ONLINE!
We have become content to spend more time alone, our only companion our hand-held devices.
Or, when we are with others, we’re not engaged in conversation because we are checking Facebook, Tweeting or Texting. What has happened to our human connections?
The question then becomes:
How can we use technology to stay connected?
There are so many cool apps and devices that can keep us in touch with one another. More than I can list. More than I have tried. More than I will ever hear of and try.
But that’s not the point.
Whatever technology tool you use to get together with people, use it solely as a tool and then rely on human interaction.
Be present with each other. Sure, use your phone to text, set up meetings or social events, but when you are present in each other’s company, BE PRESENT. Take a picture, post it on Social Media and put your phone away. Make eye contact, smile and have a real conversation.
I get there are situations where you can’t physically be together and have those in-person experiences. And that is where technology is a real plus.
Skype or other technologies such as Google Hangout and Zoom where people who don’t live in the same town or even country can see each other are amazing for connecting. Not only are these services available through your computer, but with a Smart TV, programmed to access the Internet – you can interact with friends and family on the big screen.
Even video games that are played online that allow users to chat with each other have value in connecting the players to each other.
But here’s the key to really connecting. If your phone is in your lap and you are constantly looking at it, chatting with others, posting to social media, shopping online, etc. then you have missed the point of being present.
Interested in being connected on a human level? I conduct workshops that teach people the skills to connect through their values — Ask me about team building events for Corporations, Seniors, and Kids.
Previously published on PakWired.
by Barb Abramson | Jun 10, 2017 |
How you choose to think about a situation is going to determine how quickly and successfully you move through it.
This applies to many areas in life: money, relationships, work, comments you overhear, things you read on the Internet, and so much more.
You have the power to choose how deeply you internalize any situation and while it may take some practice, each time you rise above what is happening and view it more objectively, your skill level increases.
Here is what I discovered
You can’t change the past, but you can change the energy you allow it to own.
Having been a student of life, all my life, I learned much of what I know from observing others and how they react and respond to people and circumstances.
Not to say I haven’t learned from my own experiences as well, but it seems easier, or perhaps more clear to notice others first and then in reflection, ask yourself what you would do in the same situation.
You can go forward, backward, or do nothing.
Consider these options
- You can dwell on the situation, letting it fester and make you sick emotionally (and physically.)
- You can seek out more information to understand what occurred and if it is a situation that can be resolved.
- You can accept where you are and move forward, onward and upward.
I’m not saying forget something happened. That’s how we learn and make different choices in the future. But the energy doesn’t need to have an emotional charge that brings us down.
This is why I recommend looking at it from a different view—as if you were not part of the equation and you were only observing.
Try it and let me know if it affected you differently.
Photo: Pixabay
Did you know that happier people can make an organization become more profitable? My workshops help people find common ground, build business bonds, and strengthen relationships.
by Barb Abramson | Jan 4, 2016 |
The beginning of another year –
I don’t make resolutions. I don’t believe in waking up on the first day of each year, determined to turn my life in another direction. Those kinds of declarations rarely stick.
Instead, I look for ways to be more present in my everyday life. And for me, the best way to stay present is to stay connected –with myself – and others.
On one hand (did you look at the picture) I have to have “Me” time – my personal health and well-being depends on it. If I am not fully present with myself, or don’t fill my own bucket first, I am not able to do so for others.
Here Are Five Ways I Stay Connected To Me
Experience Nature – Going for a walk and feeling the breeze in the air lifts my spirits. The sound of the rustle in the leaves, sings to me and the colors are inspiring. It doesn’t matter the season; I find joy in every walk. The pace doesn’t even matter, it’s about moving my body and noticing life blooming all around me.
Read – I love getting lost in a good book and taking a journey somewhere new. I prefer physical books, but on occasion read them on an electronic device. Even audio books are great, especially in the car. Even if it’s only a half hour per day that I escape into another world, it’s valuable me time.
Travel – There are so many places I want to visit and I don’t know if I will get to all of them, but I don’t want to live with regrets that I never went anywhere. Day trips are valuable too; a change of scenery can be an adventure. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine and stay close to home. Venture out and have fun in new places.
Experience – Try something new. Last year I went zip lining for the first time. It was a blast. But if you are not the outdoor adventure type, something new such as a cooking or art class can be fun.
Meditate – Turning off your mind to outside stimuli is a great way to recharge. Sometimes there is so much coming at me from so many different ways that I get overwhelmed. A few deep breaths and some soothing music allow me to drift to a peaceful place.
Now, on the other hand, life is expanded when experiences include others. Sharing time with others opens you up to their feelings, viewpoints, wants and needs. But connecting doesn’t mean just being in the same space together; it is about going below the surface to discover more about each other and how you can add to their lives.
Here Are Five Ways To Connect More Deeply To Others
Be Present – Put away your cell phones and other electronic devices. The emails, text messages, social media posts will all be there later. Paying attention to outside stimuli sends a message you care more about “things” than relationships.
Be An Active Listener – If you are so busy trying to figure out what you want to say next, you really aren’t hearing what others are saying. Someone once referred to this as “having your own motion picture going in your head.” Relationships are so much better when you are both watching the same movie!
Discover Their “Why” – We all bring our learned values and experiences to every relationship. Past events shape our lives. “Why” someone acts or feels the way they do about any situation is directly connected to their experiences. The more deeply you understand others, the stronger the relationship becomes.
Find Common Ground – It’s a natural tendency to want to hang out and get to know people we have things in common with. There are plenty of groups online that help facilitate those experiences. When you don’t know in advance that you have like interests, asking questions about birthplace, hobbies, passions, etc., is a great place to start. A recent acquaintance and I discovered we both attended the same camp at the same time when we were kids during a conversation. It’s a common bond we will always share.
Be Open-Minded – I have a unique set of beliefs, opinions and ways of doing things. They work for me, but I don’t expect everyone I meet to buy into them. My conversations would be pretty boring if everyone agreed with everything I said. I have very dear friends who hold different religious and political beliefs, raise their children differently and view many aspects of life through a different lens. Those actions and views are right for them. We can agree to disagree and we trust each other enough to be open-minded about having ideas that vary from our own way of thinking. It makes for some interesting conversation too!
Did you notice the graphic at the top? Two hands representing 2016 equals 20 digits, not just 10. So here is an additional list of relationship builders for you.
The “Handy” Top Ten Attitudes That Will Make Your Relationships Even Better in 2016
Be Optimistic – We attract what we project out to the world. Always look for the silver lining.
Be Grateful – Appreciate what you already have instead of focusing on what isn’t there.
Be Joyful – Live your life enthusiastically. Savor each moment.
Be Possible – Yes, you can achieve your dreams. The path may not always be clear, but it is there. Believe in yourself.
Be Helpful – Whenever you see an opportunity to make someone’s life better, do it. Not only will the other person feel good, you will too.
Be Kind – Especially with your words. They remain behind.
Be Forgiving – Holding on to hurt and pain will rob you of your personal power. Most importantly, forgive yourself and move forward to better things.
Be Sincere – You’ve heard the phrase, “Say what you mean and mean what you say?” It applies to how you view yourself too.
Be Passionate – Live life to the fullest and give it your all. The rewards are equal to the passion behind the effort.
Be Amazing – Because you already are. Own it!
Wishing you a year of momentous relationships!
by Barb Abramson | Dec 6, 2015
I struggle with written directions. Reading financial statements stresses me out and makes my head spin. Following a written recipe is a challenge. I look like an early reader with my finger resting on each word.
Tell me the driving directions or share a recipe verbally and I’ve got it. I can visualize what I hear and I’m off and running, or driving, or cooking.
Back in my college days studying communication, I learned about the different ways people process information. My husband and I are complete opposites. Sometimes our conversations go in circles as we each try to get our point across in different ways.
I know I am an audio-digital learner because I process sounds and I’m sensitive to voices. I can’t hear two conversations at once; I simply shut down. If you talk to me while I’m watching TV, I only hear garble from both sources. The good news is you only have to tell me something once and I will almost always remember. But tell me something multiple times and I tend to get irritated.
“You told me already! I got it!”
My husband is a visual learner. He writes everything down and is a list maker to the ‘nth’ degree. There are envelopes and pieces of paper all over the house on which he writes the same notes over and over.
If I need him to pick up something at the store, he can’t keep that item in his head. He has to write it down. If he can take an empty container with him to see exactly what he needs, all the better. Unlike me, he prefers written directions and is challenged listening to a GPS.
I used to get really upset when he asked me for information, then had to wait for him to to write it down. I would find I would have to repeat the information several times until he finally had it all on paper. It was incredibly frustrating because I felt he wasn’t listening to me. I didn’t understand why I had to keep repeating myself. I didn’t get why he didn’t hear me.
“I told you already! Why don’t you hear me?”
It took me a long time to understand my husband wasn’t ignoring me. A recent conversation with a friend on communication styles brought my college lessons to the present. Once I remembered we communicate and process differently, it was as if lightning struck in a good way. (No, this one isn’t about my chimney.)
We also handle situations differently too. He wants to solve them immediately and move on to the next thing. If I don’t see a project as urgent, I set it aside until I believe it needs to be worked on.
For him, the perfectionist who wants everything done immediately, hearing it will be done is not the same as seeing it done. He has a hard time with my viewpoint that the project will get done when I’m ready to tackle it, and my timeline doesn’t have to be his. I wish he would take the time to rest and not make everything on his list a high priority.
We still have challenges, but understanding our different styles helped us to find our rhythm and to ease the frustration we both felt.
In order to effectively communicate with my husband, I need to respect and accommodate his learning style of writing things down.
We came up with a thumbs up symbol to let him know that I am taking care of whatever task he thinks I need to be handling; it lets him know I am aware and it is on my list.
What used to irritate us has led us to build a bridge between our different learning styles.
We are both learning patience.
Previously published on The Good Men Project
by Barb Abramson | Oct 25, 2015
Yes, the title sounds like the name of a networking group and I think I have even been to one with that name. I have made some incredible connections over coffee, but that is not where I am headed.
This is about a hospital experience and a brand of coffee, Barnie’s Santa’s White Christmas. The flavor was introduced during the holiday season in 1995 and soon became a year-round favorite.
The label lists it as a comfort brand, and I concur. Nuts, coconut, caramel, and vanilla waft slowly out of my cup, the aroma soothing, and warm.
I first discovered Santa’s White Christmas in the Florida Hospital cafeteria during the many months I visited my mom after her open-heart surgery in 2004.
The escalator from the parking garage exits right by the cafeteria. It became a routine to pop in for my morning cup of coffee on the way to ICU where Mom spent many weeks due to complications. That is another story for another time.
When Keurig first entered the market, Barnie’s was not yet in the game. I often saw packages of ground SWC in the stores. I no longer had a traditional drip coffee pot and there wasn’t a Barnie’s store near me.
Then finally it happened! Barnie’s K-Cups hit the shelves and I stocked up on my favorite brew.
Drinking it makes me smile. It is a hug in the morning. Even though my mom was in dire straights during those months, I have good memories. It was my break from ICU; a rehabilitative walk to the cafeteria to clear my head, the coffee pots in the familiar corner beckoning me.
This week, I visited with a friend who was at the same hospital, her father having just had surgery. I headed down the familiar escalator and felt the pull, turning right and heading back to the area I remembered the coffee pots were located.
I sighed with relief. In the back corner, lined up on the wall was the coffee section, and center stage my beloved Santa’s White Christmas!
Memories flooded back and I stood there for a moment before I reached for a cup and filled it with the warm brew. Even though it’s the same product I enjoy every morning in my kitchen, I think this cup had something a little extra in it. Thanks for the hug!
by Barb Abramson | Oct 16, 2015
Are you starting a new business and need to hire employees? No Problem!
Do you need to fill a customer order? No Problem!
Perhaps source out the right technology? No Problem!
How many times have you asked a question of a business, inquiring if something could be done and the response you received was “No Problem?”
Whether you are asking a waitress for a beverage, a retail clerk for help with a product or a technical support representative to solve your IT dilemma, “No Problem” is a phrase that should be eliminated from business vocabulary.
Take a closer look at the phrase and notice that it is comprised of two negative words, No and Problem. And that is a problem. Mindset experts will tell you that we integrate the words we hear, and although this phrase is commonplace, it tells us that something that should be a positive response actually has negative undertones.
No Problem? I would hope as the customer, that it is NOT a problem. I never imagined it would be. Why would you even suggest that? Any student of positive thinking, (often referred to as The Law of Attraction), believes that what you think is what you attract, and would argue that No Problem attracts, well, problems.
Try this exercise. Visualize saying “Thank You” to someone for a service and hearing them say “No Problem.” Now visualize the same person responding to your appreciating them by saying “My Pleasure.” Doesn’t that feel better? Say the words yourself. Don’t you feel a little more joyful expressing a higher positive response?
Our customers can sense attitudes in business. Organizations with a positive mindset attract and keep far more customers than those that believe in helping themselves before helping others. Connecting with your customers, establishing a friendly atmosphere and creating relationships are the key to successful business endeavors.
The Ritz Carlton Hotel chain requires its employees to say “My pleasure” in response to customer requests. Their culture strongly affirms that they are in business to WOW the customers.
I have had employees tell me they feel uncomfortable using the words, ‘My Pleasure.’ One said it sounded cheesy to her. I challenged her to find other phrases, that were positive, encouraging and put the customer first. She came up with several acceptable phrases, including, “Of course” – “I would be happy to” – “Absolutely” and “You’re welcome” to be used when appropriate.
Without our customers, we wouldn’t have a business. How well we serve them determines if they will come back. Therefore, we need to create a culture of loyal customers that will return again and again.How we treat our customers and our employees matter. It should never be ‘No Problem’ to get something done.
Instead, let the customer know you appreciate their business and you don’t take it for granted.
Because there really are No Problems – Only Situations and Opportunities!
Originally published
Photo:Flicker / Ulrich Massier
by Barb Abramson | Oct 10, 2015 |
I recently conducted a workshop for a non-profit that organizes monthly activities for its member families. It is one of my favorite events to facilitate because the stories that are shared cover a wide span of ages and experiences. I always marvel at the giggles and affectionate glances that are exchanged as the family members uncover layers of memories that deepen their family bonds.
It doesn’t really matter if a family event is comprised of seniors and their adult children, or younger parents and their kids. The experiences they share are what connects them to each other in meaningful ways. Often, they both chip in their version and memories of the same event and if you pay close attention, you will see smiles and nods around the room as the rest of the participants relate to some of the stories.
Occasionally, the parent or child will share something the other has never heard before and that turns into a very special moment. A recent experience with my son in Washington, DC reminded me of those family workshops.

Part of the antenna recovered from the second tower. In the background, front pages of newspapers from around the world reporting the events of 911
Because of my background working for media, both in print and online, Joel arranged for us to visit the Newseum (News Museum), and together we touched the Berlin Wall, viewed the 911 exhibit as well as the history of comics and Newspaper Syndicates.
Joel knew this would be a home run activity that I would love. But I had no idea that one of the displays, the Pulitzer Prize-winning photos that wrapped around a curved wall and filled a room with images of joy, sadness, horror and adventure would hold a memory from his childhood I had never shared with him before.
This feeling in the room was equally reverent and emotional. Every Pulitzer Prize photo both in News and Feature categories were on display, along with descriptions and the story behind the photo from the photographer; how he or she got the shot. Some of the photos were stunningly beautiful, others horrific scenes of war or disaster.
The picture that stopped me in my tracks was taken in 1987 of Baby Jessica McClure, the little girl who fell down a well in Midland, Texas.

Scott Shaw’s Pulitzer Prize Winning Photo was taken as Baby Jessica McClure was pulled from the well in Midland, Texas. Originally published: Odessa (TX) American
Only a few months older than Joel, the incident happened just before his first birthday in October. I remember so clearly sitting up all night watching and praying with the nation for her rescue. And 58 hours later as she was pulled from the well, I was picking up my little boy out of his crib and holding him while he slept, grateful that he was safe and sound in my arms as she was once again in her mother’s. As I shared that story with Joel, I felt the tears again rolling down my cheeks.
Maybe Joel understands now why I always wanted to make sure he was safe growing up, by knowing who he was hanging out with and where he was. Even today, I appreciate his updates when he travels and arrives at his destination.
We experienced some amazing memories that weekend. It is something we will always have to talk about and as with the workshops, makes our family connection even stronger.